Admission policy of the Doctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences

In the Doctoral Program, we seek candidates who possess basic engineering skills (mathematics or rigorous reasoning ability), and have acquired general knowledge of the three rings:Financial / Natural Resource Design(Finance & Optimization), Spatial / Environmental Design (Urban Planning), and Organizational / Behavioral Design(Behavioral Science), with advanced knowledge of one of those rings, and problem-solving ability commensurate with completion of a Master Course.

Admission Examination of Our Doctoral Program

Examination subject: Oral Examination

Oral Examination:Individual Interview

You will be giving a 15-minute presentation about your past researches and your future research plan, and you will be asked questions about them. (about 10 minutes)

  • 1. Applicants need to contact the faculty members in their area of specialization prior to the application process.
  • 2. PowerPoint presentation is preferable. Although the equipment for the presentation (a desktop computer or a projector) are available on-site, you will need to bring your own laptop if needed. Both Japanese and English are acceptable for the presentation and Q&A.