This site provides information on the curriculum and syllabi of all courses in Collage of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba.

Syllabus Database System 2024, College of Policy and Planning Sciences, School of Science and Engineering, University of Tsukuba

Schedule for the year of CPPS

The CPPS Study Planning Guide AY2024

Goals of Education and Characteristics of Education Planning at CPPS

In order to meet the needs of the times and social demand for suitable collage education and lead further development of College of Policy and Planning Sciences, we organize and provide specific educational curriculum under the goals of education as the following:

Goals of Education

  1. (1) To develop human resources with a thinking ability integrating arts and sciences and skills of analyzing and utilizing data, needed for engineering, practical, and strategic analyses of various social problems, where human behaviors are intricately intertwined, and the skills to design systems for comprehensive problem-solving.
  2. (2) To help students learn social systems from 3 aspects represented by 3 majors: Major in Social and Economic Sciences, Major in Management Science and Engineering, and Major in Urban and Regional Planning.
  3. 1) Major in Social and Economic Sciences develops human resources with the ability to study socioeconomic systems mathematically and quantitatively, and devise appropriate policies, in order to identify and solve socioeconomic problems.
  4. 2) Major in Management Science and Engineering develops human resources with basic academic skills to immediately respond to changes and the ability to investigate, judge, and solve problems on their own in this period, when quantitative status assessment and decision-making are required in companies.
  5. 3) Major in Urban and Regional Planning develops human resources with the ability to apply various social engineering techniques to actual urban and regional issues, and explore solutions.

Characteristics of Education Planning

  1. (1) Realizing a mix of basic and specialized learning not only by providing high-quality basic education for first-year students, but also by allowing them to take major subjects.
  2. (2) Assigning students to one of the majors to explore issues in specialized fields from the fall semester of the second year.
  3. (3) Dividing major subjects into subject groups called “areas” to make the structure of specialized fields clearer, and organizing area seminars in each area.
  4. (4) Providing opportunities for real-world problem-solving activities in cooperation with local governments, private companies and others. And, developing specialized exercises for each major to help students develop their skills in analyzing and utilizing data.
  5. (5) Operating a system for students with excellent academic performance to graduate early in three years.
  6. (6) Providing practical education with faculty members who specialize in a wide variety of fields, including engineering, economics, management, statistics, psychology, and sociology; many of them have practical experience.

CPPS of the University of Tsukuba sets such distinctive learning and educational goals, and it promises students and society to achieve these goals.